You May Be Successful and Don’t Know It! Likewise, You May Be Oblivious to the Fail You’re In

The test to know if you’re a failure or not is easy. You’ll learn the answer for yourself by listening along. It may surprise you. This post is a raw brain dump based on my experiences helping artists and working on marketing art for more than 30 years. You’ll learn a lot about me. It’s a zero-pitch talk. I hope you find it enlightening, inspiring, and informational. Let me know what you think.

Thank You in Advance!

I realize asking you to watch a nearly 40-minute long video is a stretch. However, I believe you will come away with valuable insights if you do. I’m pretty much baring it all here, and as such it’s as much about my successes and failures as yours. That’s because there are many, many similarities between my life and career and yours. It’s been a lot of zigging and zagging to get to this point.

If you don’t have the time or are not so inclined to spend 40 minutes with me, I have another suggestion for you. Download the free Fine Art Career Roadmap. It’s an ebook with useful tips on managing and marketing your career. It comes with an informative email series follow up that is full of practical advice for artists.

The ebook is loaded with useful tips I have for artists on how to get more from their careers. F I’ve personally worked with hundreds of artists over the past 30 years on nearly every kind of art marketing opportunity or problem that you can imagine. I put it all in the information coming your way in the roadmap.


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  • Hi Barney

    Thank you for this. I have recently come to the realization that I am not going to chase after stuff anymore that I don’t want to. I love making art and the people it brings me into contact with. I do not however want to madly run after everything that clamors for attention. I have learned that less is more and to not run ahead of my breath. It is something that I have to relearn to a varying degree, but I am getting better.

    • Hi Moira,
      I’m glad to know my post hit home with you. I think it is easy to get carried away with chasing after things that are either not realistic to attain, or not something that will enrich our lives the way it seems. I love your phrase, “Not run ahead of my breath.”

  • Hi Barney Thanks for this heartfelt message.The way that really feels right to me is to have an end result in mind for what I want from making my art and rely on clearing out my ” head trash” and letting my inner guidance lead me in the right direction,along with the willingness to be open to new ideas and directions.I keep reminding my subconscious mind of what I want and keep on working in a way and direction that feels right to me,and to never give up-sort of using soft power on myself. The little bit of your guidance that I have used has served me well.I have let the parts that don’t feel right to me go.I admire your honesty and am thankful to have someone like you in my corner.Thanks partially to your advice I see a way opening ahead that feels right to me.It seems like the bottom line is to be honest with yourself and trust your guidance. This world needs more people like you!

  • Thanks I found your words very en-lighted. From what I have seen so far in life very true.
    Thanks again.

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