Why Artists Should Learn to Write Copy

For artists, brushing up copywriting skills pays off in many ways. The saying, “To sell them, you must tell them” applies when selling art. Compelling copy enhances the art-viewing experience for interested observers and heightens interest and desire for buyers. Improving your communication skills strengthens your marketing and increases sales.

Below is a sales page I recently wrote for the Art Marketing 101 Course. I followed the P.A.S.T.O.R. method, which you’ll learn about, to write the copy. I use italics to indicate my additional comments to you in the text.

Welcome to Art Marketing Mastery!

Barney DaveyHi, Thanks for your interest. My name is Barney Davey. I publish useful art marketing tools, tips, and techniques for visual artists. They use my insights, experience, and practical suggestions to find buyers, sell art, and develop direct patronage.

Teach and Sell… Who Says You Can’t Do Both?

Here’s a Real-Life Example of How to Write Copy for a Sales Page

I believe in transparency and like to take every opportunity to teach when I can. Here is my best effort to encourage you to join the Art Marketing Mastery Workshop, along with an explanation of how and why the information on this sales page is arranged and presented to you. I’m using the P.A.S.T.O.R. (Problem, Amplify, Solution, Testimonial, Offer, Risk Reversal) method taught by copywriting expert, Ray Edwards. His How to Write Copy That Sells: The Step-By-Step System for More Sales, to More Customers, More Often is the best!

Keep reading to see the P.A.S.T.O.R. method in action. As an artist, you can learn to modify this formula for selling your work. When you join Art Marketing Mastery, I will be happy to critique your sales page copy and to suggest improvements.

Identify a Problem

The first thing to address when writing copy for a sales page such as this one is to start by acknowledging a significant problem. Something pertinent to the reader’s interests or business.

Here is what I say in the case of the Art Marketing Mastery Workshop:

An ongoing serious problem is too few artists are good marketers. This problem, in turn, leads to fewer sales and a lack of recognition. These are unfortunate and avoidable issues. The problem intensifies because sales are how artists pay the bills and validate their work.

Amplify the Problem

problemThe next step is to amplify the problem by explaining it in more detail. In this case, I would say:

You know how you excel at making art but then struggle with finding buyers and selling enough art to create a profitable career? And, how struggling creates worry about growing into or sustaining a full-time career? Too often good sales from a show, event, or promotion are followed by maddening dry spells.

Such fluctuations make enjoying steady sales, and consistent cash flow seem like impossible goals. Besides cash flow worries, inconsistent sales create often create unspoken anxiety. That is the worry, that is at the end of your career too few will know about you and your art because your creations were not seen, and your artistic voice was not heard. Legacy is a legitimate, real concern for many artists. Your career doesn’t need to work out that way.

The good news is there is another way.  

Offer a Solution

Now is the time to present a solution. Here is my example:

Inside the Art Marketing Mastery Workshop, artists learn how to identify their ideal buyers and market their work to them, directly.solution They gain the tools and techniques on how to build a marketing system that will produce results for the life of their career.

Rather than trying to use a cookie-cutter method, our artists develop a marketing system unique to them — one based on their needs and skills. Learning sequentially at your pace is how to accrue the skills and experience you need to create an art business that meets your definition of success.

With 24/7 lifetime access, you can take all the time you need to learn on a self-paced plan that suits your schedule. And, you can revisit the courses as often as you need. The mission behind the creation of the Art Marketing Mastery Workshop is to provide you with information and inspiration to guide you to develop a long-range, reliable marketing system. One you will use to sell your artwork regularly throughout the life of your career.

Learning how to establish direct patronage is our primary goal. By giving you the tools to find and connect with patrons who will buy multiple pieces, you lessen your dependency on galleries and other third-party distributors. The more of your work sold through direct patronage, the more control you have over your career. Owning and controlling distribution is your key to a lengthy and rewarding career as an artist.

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Provide Testimonials

At this point, Ray Edwards suggests providing testimonials, like these:

testimonialtestimonialYou can read more testimonials on this link.

Make Your Offer

If you don’t ask, you don’t get. I go straight to the details as I despise copy that jerks me around and plays coy when it comes to pricing. 

Art Marketing Mastery logoIf you are ready to change your life and career in the most meaningful ways, I encourage you to join the Art Marketing 101 Course today! It’s a one-time fee.


Check out the extensive curriculum. (Make sure you expand it to see the complete extensive training.) There is nothing like it available anywhere. You don’t have to use it all to get a tremendous return on your investment.

My best advice is to go through the lessons. That way, you know everything, and you can decide what parts to implement, and which to leave alone. For instance, you may have no interest in blogging because you don’t like to write. The reason to learn about it is you might get inspired to do something with it, such as create a Vlog (video log) instead.

Here’s where this offer gets even better. Just like the workshop, you get lifetime access to the Art Marketing Mastery Workshop private Facebook group. It’s a safe place where you can get help from hundreds of other artists and me. I use the topics options to keep track of helpful comments and threads on all kinds of questions artists have about marketing and business. Here’s an animated gif showing the topics covered so far.

Art Marketing Mastery Workshop topics-min

The question is not whether the content and access to me and the other artists is worth the price because it is.  You are only limited by how much you use the knowledge, contacts, and resources. Members have received valuable advice. Topics include writing contracts, avoiding vanity galleries, pitching grants, approaching hot prospects, creating artist bios and statements, and dozen of other essential issues.

The question to ask is how many times over your investment in this training you will recoup? Conservatively, I believe you will gain 10, 20, 50, 100, or more times return on investment for artists who implement the training. It’s a no brainer path to success when you take the learning and act on it intelligently. Follow the advice, and you will find buyers, develop collectors, get referrals, and sell more art.

Risk Reversal & Recap


In the final step, you present a risk reversal option and provide a recap. Here is my version:

You Can’t Lose!

Let’s keep it simple. Your purchase comes with a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you change your mind and don’t want to keep the course, you can request a refund inside of the first 30 days after you join. I will promptly and cheerfully, (Okay, I’ll probably have my sad-to-lose-you face on.), refund your full payment. No questions asked.

I trust you can see that I’m an open book who likes to teach at every opportunity. My mom was a school teacher, and I know teaching rubbed off on me. She also was an excellent artist. Her work hung in the St. Louis Art Museum for a spell. Being a widow with six kids to raise ended any chance she had for an art career. Mom gave me a love of art. In some ways, every time I help an artist, I’m paying homage to her.

Thanks for reading this sales page. I trust you learned a few things. Please know I have so more much to teach you and encourage your serious consideration of the Art Marketing 101 Course. It is set up to be a 01game changer for artists who are ready to make a minor one-time investment into knowledge that when put into action, will pay major lifetime dividends.

You Get:

  • 24/7 lifetime access to the Art Marketing Mastery Workshop courses with free updates
  • Lifetime access to the Art Marketing Mastery private Facebook group. Ask me anything.
  • The training to create an evergreen art marketing system you can use to find buyers and sell art throughout the rest of your career.


I’m here to help. Please send an email to me, Barney Davey, at [email protected]. Alternatively, book a quick, free video chat where I can share my screen with you. Here’s that link bdavey.co/15min I’m looking forward to seeing you in the training and Facebook group. All the best!  

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Get My Masterpiece. Download My Brain!

brainHelping you reach your potential is the reason I created this workshop.  It is my best effort for you to download my 30 years of art marketing experience into your brain. I’m confident if I teach you everything I know you can succeed and live your dreams.

The Art Marketing Mastery Workshop Is My Masterpiece! 

I think of a masterpiece as a work where an artisan puts everything he or she knows into creating a monumental artwork. That is how I feel about the Art Marketing Mastery Workshop. You are getting decades of study and experience poured into this course. It comes to you with my best intentions. I want you to succeed and am confident you can. Everything you need to build an outstanding art business is right here. It’s just a matter of how you use it. I’m here to encourage you.

Lifetime Access Means You Get to Revisit and Repurpose the Course Content 

You get so much information I know you may only use the parts that work best for you. However you use this training, with lifetime access, it’s yours to return to as often as you need. I believe return visits to the concepts presented here will pay off in ways hard to imagine now. You can keep coming back to learn more useful ideas to help you sell your work. I encourage you to do so.

When You Get on the Right Path and Take the Right Actions You Will: 

  • Sell All the Art You Make
  • Enjoy the Feeling of Confidence in Your Career
  • Stop Relying on Others for Your Sales and Success
  • Own Your Career Outcome and Your Distribution
  • Earn a Steady Income from Art Sales
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