“The whole culture is telling you to hurry, while the art tells you to take your time. Always listen to the art.”

— Junot Diaz

My goal is to encourage artists to live their best lives and empower them to market art with reasonable confidence. Recent Art Marketing News posts providing sensible art marketing advice and promoting living one’s best artist’s life prove I walk my talk.

You can’t live your best artist’s life without a plan for what happens to your art.

I find too many artists struggling with marketing their art. The problem is not marketing techniques that don’t work or poor execution. It’s a lack of clarity that leads to a jumble of unfocused activity. Artists need practical examples of what is possible instead of unrealistic stories about creators whose success is far from the norm.

If your marketing is not working or you are unhappy with how your art business is trending, it’s time to answer this question definitively. What is your desire for your art post-completion? If you struggle with providing a concise answer, it might be why you battle to sell your artwork.

Know Your Expectations and Options.

It’s essential to understand your expectations and options for them, especially for decisions about your art when complete. Valuable insights like that will boost your chances of success. Because knowing what you want with reason equips you to make the right decisions more often. Good choices lead to better outcomes.

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There is so much value in knowing what you want to happen to your art post-completion.

Barney Davey

Give Yourself the Gift of Knowing What You Want.

Knowing what you want and that it is reasonably possible is a gift that artists can give themselves. You can conceive realistic prospects for your life. Knowledge helps you plan with clarity and self-acceptance. Being kind to yourself is a part of living one’s best artist’s life.

Living the Best Artist’s Life Is Doable for All.

Start with getting your mind right. Accept what is possible and what you are willing to do to get what you want. A big problem is not recognizing that just because you can doesn’t mean you should. It happens when artists aren’t clear on their intentions for their art once it is complete.

Artists Want to Be Free.  

I believe the best way for artists to enjoy success – as they define it, is to own the distribution of their art by connecting with buyers and selling to them directly. The alternatives all have similar problems. Such as, artists have no control over how third parties market their art, often receive the short end of sales, insecurities about timely payments, their partner’s commitment to them, and more. Artists who sell their work to buyers straightaway are free. They are likely leaders in living the best artist lives.

Selling Art Is a Connection Business

Successful art sales are about building a list. It’s not the size but the quality of the connections on the list that matters. I talk about it using the POP (Pocket of People) acronym, as you’ll see in the list of recent posts.

Get Your Free Stories for Artists Report

A theme runs through the posts and back to AMXtra, my premium newsletter and global artists community, where I endeavor to encourage artists to live their best lives and empower them to market art with reasonable confidence. These recent posts are examples:

You Can Choose to Live Your Best Artist’s Life.

If the vibe of the message in the posts above resonates with you, AMXtra membership will benefit you. We go deeper into those topics and answer questions about them.

Subscribers to AMXtra use its advice and tools to make a plan for living a fulfilling life. They get practical advice and group coaching on marketing their art to match their personalities and needs. Members learn about marketing tools and techniques, and which of them are best for their plans.

The subscription is set low at $5 per month with no contract intentionally, so any artist can join, and because…

  • I believe gaining access to world-class marketing training should not be expensive.
  • I believe I can do the most good by applying the philosophy of no artists left behind.

We want to learn and grow but not be too serious either. Making it fun makes it worth doing.

You are invited to become a member of our worldwide artist’s community. It would be great to have you join us!

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art career, art marketing, artist's life, best artist's life

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  • I just want to say I like your heart for artist. Artist are peculiar people- extremely creative, often undervalued and seem to struggle with their value in art and or not sure how to market their talents. I believe everyone has a gift or talent to share with the world- but quite often don’t know how to share it. I appreciate that you are using this platform to help artist learn about exposure and encouragement through other artists. What a fantastic idea! Thank you for allowing me to be a participant and learn from others all the while sharing my ideas with the world.

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